What's New

Driver's latest updates and improvements.

Organization management, help menu, and page improvements

Manage your organization

You can now invite and remove other users from your organization directly in Driver.

Get help anywhere

Access tips, keyboard shortcuts, and support options from anywhere with a persistent Help menu in the sidebar.

Pages made easier

  • Create a new page from anywhere in Driver with a new button that is always visible in the sidebar.
  • Add tags directly from your page. Need a new tag? Just create it there.
  • You can now quickly access helpful information about how to use sources, pages, and tuning.

Personalize your experience

  • Set Driver to light or dark mode, or follow your system's theme. You can also do this in the sidebar (Profile → Change theme).

Small steps to giant leaps

  • New color options for tags
  • You can now include your email if you would like to receive updates on feature requests and bug reports
  • You can now view your profile and organization information in settings
  • The typography in Pages has been improved for better hierarchy

Meet Driver

Now with a new look

Driver AI is now simply "Driver". This change mirrors our mission to improve technical documentation through both AI and non-AI methods, underscoring our dedication to innovative solutions. Check out our updated logo too.

The UI is new too

This is the best version of our product yet, and we're so excited to share it with you. We've completely revamped our interface to significantly enhance your workflow.

Instant answers from any codebase, PDF, or file

Instantly retrieve answers from any codebase, PDF, or file. Driver intelligently searches your page's unique context, ensuring you have all the information needed to create robust documentation without interrupting your flow.

Automate, rinse, repeat

Minimize repetitive tasks while maintaining consistent output. Templates provide a structured framework for organized documentation, guaranteeing uniformity across all pages in Driver.

Context in a click

Set the context of a page in one click. Group source content into collections for rapid context setting in Pages. Driver leverages this context to generate precise, relevant documentation.

See it all

Navigate to the precise section you need with the table of contents, now integrated across all pages, tech docs, and templates.

Get organized

Implement our flexible tagging system to organize your assets efficiently. Apply multiple labels such as "Project X," "Q4," and "urgent" for quick and easy retrieval of your documentation assets.

Tech Docs are new too

We've expanded our language support and improved the UI to showcase our higher quality documentation for codebases. Every week we specialize output for new languages.

Small steps to giant leaps

  • Trending content in your organization is neatly presented on a new home page.
  • Preview page content before opening.
  • Customize document views to your preference.
  • Access instructions for using Driver anytime by clicking on your profile.

One more thing.

Dark Mode.

Smart Instructions and Tech Docs 2.0

Write faster, keep working

Create documents automatically with smart instructions. Driver references connected assets like codebases or PDFs in the background, so you can keep working.

Small steps to giant leaps

  • Tech Docs content has been significantly improved

Note audience, templates, and tech doc symbols

Generate notes for a specific audience

Whether you want your content to be more technical or conceptual, Driver AI can write for your use case. Use our templates to get started.

View symbol descriptions in Tech Docs

Get a description of symbols used in your codebase. See what they are and where they are used.

Stay in context

New sign in experience helps you stay in context, even if you get signed out.

Improved note quality and editing experience

Get better results when creating and editing notes

We’ve made big improvements with the pipeline for creating and editing notes based on your feedback. Expect higher quality content that deeply dives into a cobebase.

Small steps to giant leaps

  • Note typography sizing and spacing has been improved
  • Notes now accept special characters, such as → and —
  • You can now add links to notes
  • The AI editor in notes has a new look
  • Make a to do list inside of a note (cmd + shift + 9)
  • Add block quotes to notes (> )
  • Underline text (cmd + U)

Interactive documentation, new home page, add supporting resources

Create custom documentation with notes

Start creating comprehensive technical documentation that refers to your entire codebase with simply a question, instruction, or any prompt you prefer.

Enrich notes with your own content

Make Driver AI generated notes your own by editing the text or adding your own content. You can use rich text support, including markdown and familiar keyboard shortcuts.

Ask Driver AI to edit or add to your note

Similar to creating the note, you can ask Driver AI questions to enhance the content of your note. Replace sections or create new ones.

More informative home screen

Get more details about your workspaces without the need to open them. Quickly access your most recent codebases.

Improve content with codebase resources

Upload PDFs, such as reference manuals and spec sheets, related to a codebase to enrich the generated content and provide additional context.

View prompt used to create a note

See where a note started by showing what prompt was used to create it.

Small steps to giant leaps

  • Remove notes from a codebase
  • View when a note was created
  • Modify the title of a note
  • Code is highlighted based on its language
  • The feedback area now integrates better into the page for improved focus on content

App navigation

A completely redesigned navigation structure makes it easy to switch between codebases, view technical documentation and notes, and access codebase content.

See more info about a codebase in the Hub

View the name of your codebase followed by a short description, all right in The Hub.

Small steps to giant leaps

  • Notes load more elegantly
  • When there are no notes in a codebase, there is a better experience for jumping right into creating your first one

Sort and list codebases, improved note rendering, copy code

View your codebases as a list

Get a more compact view of the codebases in your workspace without losing information.

Toggle between view layouts

Choose whether you want to view codebases as a list or grid.

Sort codebases

Customize your view by sorting codebases by date last modified, when created, or alphabetically.

Copy code blocks in improved notes

App notes feature a more powerful rendering engine. Copy code block content.

The file tree now automatically opens to your current page, toggles are automatically expanded to view child content. Single-child directories are combined into a single line.

Small steps to giant leaps

  • Driver AI logo on workspace views links to home page
  • View the status of processing codebases

Improved note rendering, view note prompts, copy code blocks

Notes render beautifully

View notes richly with better handling of rich text elements.

See how notes are created

View the prompt used to create a note in both The Hub and note.

Copy code blocks

Easily transfer code from the documentation to wherever you need it with the copy button.

Small steps to giant leaps

  • Improved UI for inline code throughout the app
  • Revamped UI for summaries in tech docs to align with notes
  • Improved reliability of note rendering
  • Extended support for more rich text element types

Custom notes, the hub

Explore core concepts about a codebase in The Hub

View custom content created by Driver and members of the organization via Notes.

Get custom, codebase-specific documentation from just a question

Prompt Driver AI to generate documentation around a specific question or goal. It pulls in supporting resources such as PDFs when needed.

Small steps to giant leaps

  • Access and use the side bar menu more easily on mobile

View source code, resize the sidebars, new docs UI

View source code beside its documentation

View source code with the documentation at the same time. Get more clarity on functions.

Documents have a new look

We’ve removed distractions and improved the look of documents so you can focus on what matters - reading them.

Resize the sidebar

Drag the sidebar to set it to any width you’d like. View long file names or make it small to focus on the content.

Small steps to giant leaps

  • Breadcrumbs now wrap so you can see the whole path
  • Tech docs can be opened in a new tab by pressing cmd and clicking
  • View source code in its own dedicated window
  • The source code panel remembers if you prefer it opened or closed
  • Highlight and view symbol definitions (for supported languages)
  • Syntax highlighting for over 60 languages

Improved search, summarized codebases, mobile ready

Get a better high level overview of codebases

Improved descriptions better summarize the codebase in just one sentence.

The search bar for tech docs is now always visible, no matter how far you scroll.

Read tech docs on your phone

Driver AI is now available on mobile, take your tech docs on the go.

Small steps to giant leaps

  • Find workspaces and codebases more easily by their unique colors
  • Show or hide your password while signing in
  • Improved tech docs search bar UI
  • You can now log out manually (not that you'd want to)

Initial release

Sign in to Driver AI!

This is our first release, we hope you enjoy it.

Read Driver AI generated technical documentation

Driver AI automatically comprehends your codebase to create interactive documentation for every file and folder. Get high-level content as well such as an Executive Summary.

Search through the codebase tree

Looking for a specific file? Use the tech docs search bar to find it and read the docs.

All your codebases, organized

Codebases are organized into workspaces so you can group them according to your organizations needs.

Quickly switch between codebases

View all codebases in your workspace and switch between them.

View all your workspaces

See all your workspaces in one place to navigate between them seamlessly, view the number of codebases in each one.